Setup Calendar Feed for Apple Calendar

The Calendar Feed allows your Next Actions to be automatically pushed to the your Apple calendar. This integration can also be enabled for / Outlook 365 Calendar and Google Calendar (gCal).

In this article:
Configure the Calendar feed integration
Set up Apple Calendar

Configure the Calendar feed integration

Go to your User Profile / Initials (in the top right hand corner) → Select  Apps and Integrations 
Click on Calendar Feed under Utilities.
On the Calendar Feed page, click on the Install button.
Under the configuration tab, Copy the  Calendar address and paste it into your Apple calendar.
Note: To generate a new calendar URL click on Generate a new one.

How to set up Apple Calendar

Go to your Apple Calendar.
Select  File →  New Calendar Subscription.
Paste the copied Calendar Address URL into the  Calendar URL field → click Subscribe.
Change the name and color (optional) and update the Auto-refresh frequency to Everyday, then click OK.
Your sales actions will now appear in your Apple calendar.
  • It is not possible to manually set how often the calendar is refreshed.
  • Next Actions with a specified Date & time are assigned that date & time in your calendar. Next Actions with no specified time are displayed as all-day events.
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